Milk For A Dead Man - Ludum Dare 46 Submission Mac OS

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Click and drag humans to boil them in your cauldron. Use their life force to upgrade your house and buy fun witchy toys. Made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 44. Originally, I planned to submit my game for the Ludum Dare Jam (72 hour challenge), but I finished sooner than expected. Instead of complicating my simple game concept by spending more time on adding more stuff, I decided to spend the time I had left on polishing and then submit it to the Ludum Dare Compo (48 hour challenge) instead. Swinging my triple dancing swords like a keychain was a lot of fun xD. One downside was the random duck positioning: with no way to move it, the duck falling in the middle makes the game MUCH easier than the duck far to the left.

  1. Milk For A Dead Man - Ludum Dare 46 Submission Mac Os Catalina
  2. Milk For A Dead Man - Ludum Dare 46 Submission Mac Os X

Theme: Running out of space

This is my first ever game jam entry.

Ludum Dare 43 The theme for Ludum Dare 43 was 'Sacrifices must be made.' If you made a web game for Ludum Dare, upload it here on NG and be ranked among other participants on NG! Floating dead bodies are being ignored as they try to rescue many people who are still trapped. There are thousands of dead, maybe even 10,000. Bad timing for Bush to have sent 4,000 Louisiana National Guard people to Iraq, and to have instituted the steepest cut ever in funding for levee strengthening and repair in Feb 05 in order to spend it.

Milk For A Dead Man - Ludum Dare 46 Submission Mac Os Catalina

After I decided to take game development more seriously, entering game jams seemed like a good place to start.


Milk For A Dead Man - Ludum Dare 46 Submission Mac Os X

I sometimes have a problem keeping my game ideas small enough so that I'm actually able to finish them (within a reasonable timeframe). So I decided that my goal was to create a game with mechanics and graphics that were as simple as possible, while still being fun and appealing.

Originally, I planned to submit my game for the Ludum Dare Jam (72 hour challenge), but I finished sooner than expected. Instead of complicating my simple game concept by spending more time on adding more stuff, I decided to spend the time I had left on polishing and then submit it to the Ludum Dare Compo (48 hour challenge) instead. And I even got some sleep! 😉

There's a couple of bugs and some music would've been nice, but I think I accomplished my goal and considering that it was my first game jam attempt, I'm pretty happy with the result. 🙂

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